The ultimate math cheat sheet (for parents) [infographic]
Posted by staff / February 21, 2014 basic math conceptshead of the classinfographic
You were head of the class when mastering fractions at the tender age of eight, so what in the world happened between then and the night you found yourself struggling to understand your third-grader’s homework?
Fear not, parents of the world, and reserve your dread for calculus thanks to this infographic explaining the basic math concepts to be mastered by grades K-6.
Yes, you can still look like the smartest person in the world for a few more years yet.
Via MathGameTime.
Butterflies, tricks and pneumonics are NOT what we want our children to be learning! They do not help students build a conceptual understanding of math and DO NOT support what we are teaching at school! Be careful what you are encouraging parents to be teaching their kids!
Here, here!! ^^^^
Devices like the butterfly inculcate young students to see problem solving as best done by trick methods — later yielding a society of adults who rely on trial and error rather than logic and deductive reasoning.