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The world’s first sex school: An instant guide

Posted by / December 2, 2011


Students: Please open your books… and your legs? The world’s first sex school, aptly called the Austrian International School of Sex, is now open in Austria. With a curriculum that “is not theoretical, but very practical,” the AISOS aims to be the first institution to offer degrees in applied sexuality. As touted on its website, “we teach hands on.”

A sex school… really? Yep. An “enterprising” Swedish artist is behind the idea, which is, according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail, the world’s first international sex school. It’s located in Vienna, and offers “‘hands on’ lessons in seduction for £1,400 a term” — which translates to roughly $1,900 a semester. Anyone can enroll if they’re over the age of 16, the age of consent in much of Europe.

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