Tie Fighter table the perfect setting for dinnertime battles
Posted by staff / December 3, 2013 Galactic EmpireIgor Chak.
If you love Star Wars and want to poke some fun at yourself representing the dark side of the force at every family gathering, then you couldn’t do better than sitting both sides down to do battle during the holidays around this concept Tie Fighter table from Igor Chak.
According to his website, Chak Works:
Lately there have been a lot of galactic battles near my home planet, and we had a lot of Galactic Empire’s fighters fall down from the skies. Recently a TIE fighter crash landed near my house and I decided to make some use out of it, so I made a table… hope the Galactic Empire doesn’t mind.
Look at that! He manages to throw a little upcycling in there, too.
The funny part is that you can bet most people wouldn’t even notice what it was unless you pointed it out, because when was the last time you looked at table legs that closely?
Full story at Chak Works via Tuvie.
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