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Time to give dieting a shot: Tequila helps the weight fall off?

Posted by / March 21, 2014

It isn’t often we get the chance to toast anything science says about dieting, but here’s one piece of news we can all drink to (so long as there’s not an awful college tequila story lurking in your past).

According to an article at TIME:

Sugars found in the plant that makes tequila could lower blood glucose levels for people with type 2 diabetes, and help obese people lose weight, researchers say.

A type of natural sugar called agavins come from the agave plant, which can be used to make tequila. These sugars (which are not the same as in the more commonly known agave syrup) are non-digestible and do not raise blood sugar, according to Mexican researchers.

They also make one feel full longer, and the hope is that this kind of sweetener can be isolated as a safe alternative for diabetics.

Whatever. We’ll just take it in its original form for now. Happy hour never looked so sweet.

Full story at TIME via Jezebel.

Seriously, science said it!

Photo credit: Fotolia


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