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Toe plows: Moving winter out of the way one step at a time

Posted by / March 24, 2013

toe plow

You don’t make the dress code at work but you do have to get there, so why not do it while eliciting a few smiles along the way?

Enter the toe plow (“shovel shoes,” “boot scoops,” what have you…), a handy DIY way to make sure winter doesn’t get in the way of wearing a fabulous pair of pumps mid-winter.

In order to tempt you into the workshop, here’s the intro from Instructables user legofreak86:

(The high heels were meant to be funny, by the way. Aren’t high heels always kind of funny?)

1- What did you make?
This is what I call a Toe Plow. It’s a way of clearing snow, with your feet! The Toe Plow is convenient because Minnesota is known for how much snow it gets and I live there. You just buckle them on to your boots and shuffle. I learned that it is much easier to move snow with your feet than with your hands and arms.
Items needed include:
2 foot long 4″ PVC tubing
P3″ PVC cap
PVC cement
purple primer
2 cheap dog collars.

If you’re in an area where snow season has passed, then lucky you; for the rest of us, this is the perfect way to deal with a lying groundhog that doesn’t involve violent retribution.

Full story at Instructables via The Frisky.

Handy DIY.

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  • I just moved to Miami from Minneapolis, Minnesota not too long ago. I would suggest all Miami females with an affinity of expensive high heels buy #ShoePlows immediately if traveling back to Minnesota. Clear the way! Manolo Blahniks’ coming through!