Top 10 gay-friendly travel destinations: Lonely Planet
Posted by staff / June 26, 2013 Gay and lesbian cultureLonely PlanetSan Franciscotravel destinations
And it seems particularly relevant to post these top gay-friendly travel destinations, starting with these top 3:
1. San Francisco, USA
Rainbow flags adorn apartment windows and bar entrances in many San Francisco neighbourhoods, with nearly every bar and business in the Castro catering to gays and lesbians. Pride Week is capped by the often-outrageous ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Pride Parade’ – where half a million people party in the street on the last Sunday in June. Also in June is the long-running queer film festival.
2. Sydney, Australia
Hey, in Sydney gay is the new straight. Gay and lesbian culture forms a vocal, vital, well-organised and colourful part of Sydney’s social fabric. Host of the 2002 Gay Games, Sydney also plays host to Australia’s biggest annual tourist event – the Mardi Gras. The joy-filled hedonism-meets-political-protest parade is attended by more than half a million people. Beach life also reigns here, so boys should buff up before hitting the sand.
3. Brighton, England
Perhaps it’s Brighton’s long-time association with the theatre, but for more than 100 years the city has been a gay haven. The vibrant queer community is made-up of 40,000 residents – almost a quarter of the total population. Kemptown (aka Camptown) is where it’s all at, with a rank of gay-owned bars, hotels, cafés, bookshops and saunas. There’s even a ‘Gay’s the Word’ walking tour.
For the other top 7 gay-friendly destinations, check out the original article here: Lonely Planet.
Photo credit: Brad Pict –
Too bad L.A. isn’t on the list! There’s a new video about gay travel for Los Angeles that just went up at and it definitely makes me want to go visit!