Two-for-one catch: Scientists nab shark within a shark
Posted by staff / August 15, 2013 dogfish sharksand tiger sharksand tiger sharksUniversity of Delaware
In respect to the infographic we shared last weekend, know that these scientists from the University of Delaware weren’t in pursuit of ingredients for shark fin soup so much as the data tags of sand tiger sharks, but one little dogfish shark didn’t get off so easily.
After baiting their hooks with a small fish called a menhaden, the dogfish grabbed it, only to become bait himself for the real target, a sand tiger shark.
“The dogfish was about 3 feet long and completely swallowed by the sand tiger shark,” states a post on the university’s ORB Lab Facebook page.
The researchers had captured a shark within a shark, which prompted pro bass angler Aaron Martens to comment: “There’s gotta be some kind of ‘turducken‘ label for this kind of situation.”
Good day for science, bad day for dogfish.
Full story at GrindTV.
Photo credit: University of Delaware
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