Video about girl born 4.5 months too soon and still survived will inspire you [video]
Posted by Josh Taylor / April 10, 2014 Juniper Frenchnine monthsvideo
Next time you feel like you can’t do something, or don’t want to do something, just watch this video. Juniper French was born at just under twenty-four weeks. That’s about halfway to nine months. She weighed a shocking one pound, four ounces. Her chances of survival were slim––she had an 80% chance of dying or developing some serious disability. She proved them all wrong:
Full story at Buzzfeed.
Just a beautiful video… My nephew was born at 23 weeks and he’s 22 now. Like Juniper he weighed1lb at birth and things were tough but he wanted to live.
People like Juniper are an inspiration. You cant explain how they got through it but you celebrate it everyday.