What is Twitter giving up for Lent this year (and the last few)
Posted by Josh Taylor / March 11, 2014 Open BibleTwitter
Lent is upon us. Want to know what folks on Twitter are giving up for Lent this year? Open Bible is compiling data on just that. Here are the last few years’ top 5 most forgone pleasures:
1. Twitter (13,937)
2. Chocolate (13,001)
3. Swearing (11,737)
4. Alcohol (9,998)
5. Soda (9,942)2013
1. Being pope (5,654)
2. Swearing (4,944)
3. Soda (2,648)
4. Social networking (2,264)
5. Alcohol (2,217)
And the master list from 2014:
Full story at Uproxx, via Open Bible.
Photo credit: Open Bible and Fotolia
@guyKawasaki I am going to call THIS Mac (This… being a programmer joke) HONDA. #iosdev #101