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What your middle school band instrument says about you

Posted by / May 15, 2014

Middle school band was…a special time.

Bad hair, bad skin and a crush on your saxophone-playing director who you were sure was always the super cool dude that took the podium each day you were lucky enough to have band.

You may have burned every picture that proved you were a band geek, but deep down, the experience still has much to say about the person you became, at least if Buzzfeed’s Katie Heaney is to be believed.

Read on, and tell us if the reed fits.


Ambitious and high-achieving, you take competition very seriously. As a child you were bookish, quiet, and perhaps even wan. You had a little-known dark side. You do very well with clear goals and directions. After obtaining as many degrees as it was possible to reasonably obtain, you briefly panicked. What else is life if not a series of high grades? You settle into adulthood with good credit and an admirable book collection.


You were “that kid.” Your deep inner strength allowed you to be unafraid of being different. You can sport a jaunty hat or some bold argyle socks and no one’s going to tell you what’s what. You’ve always possessed the wisdom of someone much older. As somewhat of a secret genius, which, seriously, no one ever suspected, you go on to achieve much success because you play by your own rules.

Full story at Buzzfeed.

Music makes the (wo)man.

Photo credit: Not Canva, Graphics credit: Canva

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