Where do the world’s richest people live? Top 15 countries.
Posted by staff / May 30, 2013 Emirates Palaceprivate wealthThe Boston Consulting Groupworld equity markets

Emirates Palace
The Boston Consulting Group has released a report, “Maintaining Momentum in a Complex World: Global Wealth 2013,” which shows that global household wealth grew by 7.8 percent in 2012, to $135.5 trillion.
Behind the rise was a strong rebound in world equity markets, which contributed more than usual to the rise in private wealth and increased rates of saving.
- Asia-Pacific region (ex-Japan) saw greatest growth – private wealth rose 13.8 percent in 2012, to $28 trillion.
- Latin America grew 10.5 percent, to $3.9 trillion.
- The Middle East and Africa rose 9.1 percent, to $4.8 trillion.
- Growth was less spectacular in Western Europe (5.2 percent, to $35.8 trillion) and North America (7.8 percent, to $43 trillion).
Qatar, Switzerland and Kuwait round out the top three places housing the world’s wealthiest. See the original article for the other 12 countries: Bloomberg.
Photo credit: danieldefotograaf – Fotolia.com
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