Why Canada is becoming the startup capital
Posted by staff / September 24, 2013 CanadaCanada companiesToronto
Tony Wanless has written about Canada’s start-up trajectory in an article that provides some insight in to why some start-ups are heading north.
Is Canada becoming the perfect North American launch location for a new technology business? Recent trends make it appear so. Dozens of new tech companies have launched in, or moved to Canada, primarily Vancouver and Toronto/Waterloo, and begun growth trajectories. Dozens more are starting up monthly…
This trend became noticeable earlier this year when the 2012 report from San Francisco’s Startup Genome project placed Toronto, 8th and Vancouver 9th in the list of Top 10 startup regions in the world. Waterloo, Ont. placed 16, although it could be said that Waterloo and Toronto form a single startup corridor.
Here are some reasons cited in the article:
- Canada’s terrible telecom industry is ready for a shake-up and start-ups in that industry have a great shot at making some huge changes
- located close to US (the perennial reason for nearly anything in Canada)
- lots of incubators and other support
- Silicon Valley tends to be B2C and Canada tends to foster and encourage B2B
- different culture: “laid back and inclusive”, mindset is more team-building than competitive
“The U.S. is a more individualistic country, where you have to be the top dog all the time, while in Canada companies work together,” Mr. Osnabrugge [CEO of Dutch company RingCredible] said. “Companies here have a bigger goal than making it in a month. You can take more time.”
More on this to be found here: Financial Post.
Photo credit: dolimac – Fotolia.com
There is a tide rising 🙂
[…] Why Canada is becoming the startup capital (holykaw.alltop.com) […]
When was marijuana legalized in Canada? Some folks are smoking good stuff. I’ve worked in both places, with startups, and there’s nothing that compares to Silicon Valley in Canada… For one thing, there’s no VC there. Ask Elon Musk why he started Zip2 and moved it from Ontario to Silicon Valley (and then Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX, etc.)
hey xristianplante,
don’t disagree with your comment re: no (minimal) VC $ in #Toronto,
but @maplepeakgroup is working to change that
stay tuned
For one thing, there’s no VC there. Ask Elon Musk why he started Zip2 and moved it from Ontario to Silicon Valley (and then Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX, etc.)