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Wireless device grabs ‘lost’ energy from wi-fi

Posted by / November 8, 2013

wifi power harvester

Above, a five-cell metamaterial array converts stray microwave energy, as from a Wi-Fi hub, into more than 7 volts of power with an efficiency of 36.8 percent—comparable to a solar cell.

Using inexpensive materials configured and tuned to capture microwave signals, researchers have designed a power-harvesting device with efficiency similar to that of modern solar panels.

The device wirelessly converts the microwave signal to direct current voltage capable of recharging a cell phone battery or other small electronic device,

“The beauty of the design is that the basic building blocks are self-contained and additive. One can simply assemble more blocks to increase the scavenged power,” says Steven Cummer, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Duke University.

Full story at Futurity.

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Photo credit: Duke

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