12 lessons on blogging from The Boss
Posted by staff / March 10, 2013 Bruce SpringsteenJenny Kay Pollocktarget audience
Who wouldn’t like to have a career like Bruce Springsteen?
A music legend, a man for all moods, and immortalized by the back view of a cruddy pair of jeans that still gets hearts racing after twenty-five-plus years.
All right, maybe the jeans part smacks of objectification, but there’s plenty else to be learned from The Boss even for bloggers, as 12Most’s Jenny Kay Pollock noted at a recent concert.
1. The audience comes in all shapes and sizes
At the concert there were kids under 10, old men with beards longer than my hair and 20-somethings. Remember that the majority of your blog readership may be your target audience, but your content may be shared with or viewed by people outside of your target audience.
2. The show will be more successful if you cater to the whole audience
They are all listening and viewing from different locations in the arena. Ensure your content can be seen or heard by everyone. Make sure your website lends itself to Mac, PC and mobile users alike.
3. Incorporate the fans
Bruce pulled a little boy up on stage right away, then he slow danced with a middle age woman and picked her up. He also brought a little girl on stage to sing a section of a song. Provide opportunities for the fans to get involved with the blog — host contests on your blog, allow comments and create a sense of community.
Here’s a little “Thunder Road” for your listening pleasure as well.
Full story at 12Most.
Photo credit: Fotolia
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