12-year-old convicted of anti-government protests in HK
Posted by Josh Taylor / November 23, 2019
A 12-year-old boy has become the youngest person arrested and convicted in the anti-government protests wracking Hong Kong. He allegedly spray-painted slogans on a police and metro station.
Protests began heating up when students at Hong Kong universities grew more intense, reminiscent of 1960s and 1970s U.S. college protests. armed themselves with javelins and bows and arrows. They also lit their arrows on fire. The city was crippled as much of the public transit was shut down after a night of violence at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Schools were also canceled around Hong Kong as university students barricaded themselves in the school.
Police tried storming the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where protestors had erected barriers and set several small fires.They also pepper-sprayed and wrestled a pregnant woman to the ground.
The protests became increasingly violent after that. On Sunday, a Hong Kong media liaison officer was struck with an arrow fired by protestors, according to the police. The bow-and-arrow-wielding protestors have gathered around universities, especially the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. On Saturday, members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), were observed jogging in formation wielding brooms and sweeping up the debris thrown by protestors.
A video released Monday, November 18 shows what appears to be Hong Kong protestors being loaded on to a train near the Chinese border. The video has ignited fears that China is going to send protestors to detention camps, just like it is doing with the Uighur in Xinjiang.
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