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It’s official: all non-Trump supporters hate William Barr

Posted by / May 5, 2019

Attorney General William Barr is burned every non-Republican bridge in the country. Moderates Joe Manchin and Doug Jones, both Democrats who voted to confirm William Barr, have expressed remorse for their confirmations.

When Barr released his summary of the Mueller report, few besides die-hard republicans were happy. Apparently, Mueller was one of those people who were frustrated by Barr’s report. According to a source in the justice department speaking to the AP, Mueller wrote a letter to Barr days after the report dropped. According to the source, Mueller’s letter expressed frustration that Barr’s report misrepresented the team’s findings.

Bill Maher has said, “This Bill Barr is so far up Trump’s ass he bumped into Hannity:”

Though crude, Maher put his finger on the pulse of the anti-Barr opinion. The Guardian has accused Barr of paving the way towards a Trump tyranny. He continues to lay bricks on that road by refusing to abide by congressional deadlines. Though this may sound alarmist, the Guardian makes a point. William Barr’s role is to help keep the executive branch in check. By running defense for Trump, he’s enabling Trump to abuse the powers of office. If Barr is successful removed from office, it will lead to a huge political upheaval.

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