The USPS fiasco is even worse than we thought
Posted by Annie May / August 22, 2020
Well, dammit. Earlier this week, the Postmaster General has agreed to stop all his “reforms,” which critics called blatant attempts to sabotage the election. I, personally, was foolish enough to believe him. But reports are coming out that the Post Office is still removing mail sorting machines. The machines that were returned, well, you won’t believe this, but Dejoy has instructed Post Office employees not to reconnect them! The consequences of this sabotage is are mounting. Thousands of chicks have arrived to Maine farms dead––an ironic twist on “chickens coming home to roost” for the home state of Republican Senator Susan Collins, who supported the USPS defunding.
But the battle isn’t over––New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and other states are all suing.
Internal documents revealed that the USPS was planning to remove nearly 700 high-speed sorting machines. The USPS is literally removing mailboxes in Oregon. Trump has openly admitted that he’s trying to limit mail-in voting, citing his usual unsupported claims of voter fraud. Louis DeJoy also sacked key Post Office officials and is threatening to cut spending dramatically, which would prove disastrous for the 2020 election. Postal service workers are supporting Biden.
But watchdog groups are keeping a close eye on the Post Office, and that seems to be helping. After an incredible amount of backlash following their removal of mailboxes in Oregon, the USPS has stopped removing mailboxes. So keep the pressure up if you’re concerned about the post office. Buy a book of stamps! If half of all Americans bought stamps the USPS would be in great shape.
More news.
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