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Ajit Pai admits Russia meddled in net neutrality process

Posted by / December 6, 2018

In a stunning move, Ajit Pai admits that Russia meddled in the net neutrality process by filing millions of fraudulent claims. It’s not stunning that Russia did it, it’s stunning that Ajit Pai, one of the most hated men in America, admitted it!

A Daily Dot piece quotes Democratic FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, who said: “As many as nine and a half million people had their identities stolen and used to file fake comments, which is a crime under both federal and state laws. Nearly eight million comments were filed from e-mail domains associated with On top of this, roughly half a million comments were filed from Russian e-mail addresses. Something here is rotten—and it’s time for the FCC to come clean.”

But even though Ajit Pai said it’s fact, the legal reality is different. According to Gizmodo, “But in a court filing just a few weeks ago, an assistant U.S. attorney assigned to represent the FCC in a case brought by the New York Times made a notably divergent claim: that the commission remains unconvinced of any meddling by Russian bots, residents, or government officials in the FCC comment system.”

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