Allies question U.S. relationship, believe Trump was blackmailed
Posted by Josh Taylor / December 27, 2018
After Donald Trump’s startlingly and abrupt withdrawal from Syria––and then partly from Afghanistan––despite warnings from his advisors, U.S. allies are angry and beginning to question the benefits of a US alliance.
The U.S. withdrawal from Syria has been seen as a betrayal to their Kurdish allies. One Syrian man told reporters: “If they will leave, we will curse them as traitors. The Kurds helped them to destroy ISIS. … I have seven people from my family who were fighting ISIS and who were killed. And they were very young, not even in their 20s.”
Wesley Clark, former commander of NATO, retired Army general, and former Democratic presidential candidate, says that allies believe Trump was blackmailed: “People around the world are asking this and some of our friends and allies in the Middle East are asking, did Erdogan blackmail the president? Was there a payoff or something? Why would a guy make a decision like this? Because all the recommendations were against it. And it looked like all the facts were against it, too.”
Meanwhile, Trump believes––or, more accurately, wants others to believe––that the United States is once again respected. Unfortunately, he is dead wrong.
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