Author: staff
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a Google Internet balloon!
Posted by staff / June 16, 2013If there are two things in the world that make us happy, they’re balloons and a reliable Internet connection, and leave it to Google to combine the two. According to Geekosystem’s Glen Tickle: If you live in an area that’s under-served by modern Internet infrastructure, you’re kind of missing out. The Internet is great, but you’re …
Read MoreEinstein’s letter to his young son
Posted by staff / June 16, 2013Being a parent isn’t always easy, even for one of the greatest minds ever known. In this letter Albert Einstein wrote to his eleven-year-old while living apart from his estranged wife following the completion of his paper on the theory of relativity, the genius can be seen trying to both smooth the often rocky road …
Read More7 steak myths busted
Posted by staff / June 16, 20137 ways to provide exceptional customer service for ecommerce [infographic]
Posted by staff / June 14, 2013Just because online businesses don’t see customers face-to-face is no reason to neglect the ever-important area of customer service. This infographic from lays out seven ways to offer that personal touch to keep your customers coming back for more. Via Like infographics? So do we.
Read More6 intriguing ways to create an innovative culture
Posted by staff / June 13, 2013Seeing as we’re all raised in a culture without giving it a second thought, the idea of creating one can seem daunting, particularly when the fate of your company rests on its success or failure. As Soren Kaplan at Fast Company points out, though, a company with a culture of innovation is far more likely …
Read MoreSocial media usage in the Middle East [infographic]
Posted by staff / June 10, 2013Can you believe that 88% of people online in the Middle East use social media sites daily? That’s only one of the fun facts presented in this infographic from about how citizens of the Middle East stay connected. Via Worldly infographics.
Read MoreAn unnerving look at the future of human evolution
Posted by staff / June 8, 2013Much has changed in human physiology in the last 100,000 years and even in the last four hundred or so, so naturally, scientists are curious about what the next 20,000, 60,000 and 100,000 will bring. For the rest of us, we might sleep more soundly at night not considering the possibilities. Enter artist and researcher Nickolay …
Read MoreCurrent status of online business [infographic]
Posted by staff / June 8, 2013When running a small business, it’s great to have a strong presence in the community, but are you missing opportunities by not having the same visibility online that you do on Main Street? According to this infographic from, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” Via Like infographics? So do we.
Read MoreThe perfect summer Star Wars snack: Chewy cookies
Posted by staff / June 7, 2013Never underestimate the power of sibling love, a lesson we learned young from Luke and Leia, and the inspiration for creating these fabulous Chewbacca cookies over at Diamonds for Dessert. I made these Chewie Wookiee Cookies at the end of spring break for my brother (who’s a huge Star Wars fan & loves CCCs) since his break …
Read MoreOhio cops ticket kids…with ice-cream coupons
Posted by staff / June 6, 2013Police in Ohio are on a blitz this summer to slap as many children as possible with tickets in an effort to keep local roads safe. But unlike adults who dread the thought of traffic tickets, kids under 12 are setting out on their bicycles in hopes of scoring one. You see, every ticket issued …
Read MoreBisous Les Copains – Animated Illustrations by Guillaume Kurkdjian
Posted by staff / June 5, 2013These adorable animated gif illustrations are the what happens when the neurons & synapses fire and collide inside the brain of French designer/illustrator, photographer/animator Guillaume Kurkdjian, and meld to create something absolutely wonderful to tickle our funny bones. The project is entitled ‘Bisous les Copains’, and according to Google Translate: Bisous les copains = kisses …
Read More7 office types to buddy up to
Posted by staff / June 4, 2013An office can be a cold and lonely place to be when you don’t have a friend, and there’s nothing worse than trying to figure out the pecking order during the first few weeks of a new job. Fortunately, Mashable’s got your guide to going beyond the cubicle with the seven types of office folk …
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