Author: staff
Swapping out the Moon with planets
Posted by staff / April 4, 2013Seeing our fellow planets on their own is one thing, but it takes an artist to visualize them in our own night sky. Ron Miller provides some new perspective on our planetary brethren by replacing our familiar moon with other celestial bodies, putting their glory in a more familiar setting. As My Modern Met explains: …
Read More12 characteristics of a meeting troll
Posted by staff / April 3, 2013Do you get a sinking feeling whenever a company or department meeting looms on the schedule? Could be you’re unwittingly falling victim to a meeting troll, and, luckily, Seth Godin has a simple field guide to finding them in the wild of the office. Remember, something is far easier to fight when you can see …
Read MoreShould Justin Bieber Own a Pet Monkey?
Posted by staff / April 3, 2013While I hate to criticize the Biebs, his recent fiasco surrounding his pet monkey Mally is a little disturbing. The capuchin monkey is currently sitting in an animal shelter in Germany after Bieber failed to provide proper paperwork for it to enter the country. In a recent interview, National Geographic reporter Marc Silver asked Debbie …
Read MoreEtsy brings back clothespin dolls one adorable pop culture character at a time
Posted by staff / April 3, 2013There’s an excellent chance plenty of younger people out there have never seen a clothespin much less played with a clothespin doll, but Etsy seller LittleBun thinks it’s time for them to make a comeback, and we can’t help but agree, particularly when they come in the calming form of Bob Ross. Offered in designs …
Read MoreJumping the shark in a movie-sex way
Posted by staff / April 2, 2013The Guardian’s Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett claims that sex scenes in the movies jumped the shark as soon as Jennifer Lopez, in 2003’s Gigli uttered the words “it’s turkey time, gobble gobble” as a prelude to cunnilingus. Here are 5 sex scenes that she singles out as being the worst in recent box-office history: Titanic, car …
Read More10 of the world’s best wild swims
Posted by staff / April 2, 2013Swim much? If you do, Lonely Planet has compiled a list of ten places in the world they call the “best wild places to swim”. Beautiful scenery and bucket-list-type places. Here are a few off the list. Check them, and the rest out at their site. Link provided below: Pont Du Gard, France Mekong Delta, …
Read MorePractice makes perfect
Posted by staff / April 1, 2013Practice makes perfect – 10,000 hours to be exact! The 10,000 hour rule from Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers: The Story of Success states that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at something. Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good. — Malcolm Gladwell Have …
Read MoreNew Apple patent – PC pen
Posted by staff / April 1, 2013Last month Apple was awarded a patent by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for a pen that it describes as a “portable, wireless computer.” It would be a digital pen with a built-in screen essentially, with the ability to use wireless communication and/or GPS services to: display e-mails; text message; handle voice data. …
Read MoreCold snap in Germany kills all 300 members of flea circus
Posted by staff / March 31, 2013It’s been a cold spring this year through much of Europe and among the sufferers are the members of a traveling, performing flea circus. The entire troupe, comprising 300 fleas, was found dead in their transport box this morning in Germany. Flea circus director Robert Birk … immediately scrambled to find and train a new batch …
Read MoreAre we destined to meet the people we meet?
Posted by staff / March 30, 2013The only way to eat a turtle
Posted by staff / March 29, 2013When gazing over the smorgasbord that is the animal kingdom, the turtle pops up as a particularly wise option for eating, seeing that they’re slow movers and come fitted with their own dish. And then you look into their sad little eyes and…find the hamburger to create these clever turtle substitutes while your little salmonella-laden …
Read MoreBias against girls can start in the womb
Posted by staff / March 28, 2013Leah Lakdawala, assistant professor of economics at Michigan State University found that in the patriarchal nations of India, China, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, there is evidence of sex-discrimination in the womb. But in Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Ghana—which are not considered male-dominated—no such evidence existed. Lakdawala and her colleague found that Indian women pregnant with boys …
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