Author: staff
How to make your world sweeter with 8 simple statements
Posted by staff / March 12, 2013Who doesn’t want to make the world a better place? While we may vaguely wish for world peace or flippantly post cliches about change on Facebook, Inc’s Jeff Haden has eight incredibly powerful yet simple phrases to put into action at work and in our everyday lives that can make an enormous difference where it …
Read MoreHow to use a wrench (and which wrench to use)
Posted by staff / March 11, 2013Gone are the days when every child learned to use tools at Grandpa’s knee, so what’s a guy or gal to do when something needs fixed but there’s no money to call an expert? Do it yourself. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done, so when it doubt, turn to the Internet, specifically The Art of …
Read MoreCalifornia homeless and poor get better access to cellphones and texts
Posted by staff / March 11, 2013The impoverished and/or homeless in California have long been entitled to free cellphones but they will now be getting upgraded services to include 250 free minutes and 250 free texts. For those with an income under about $15k annually, this is an awesome idea and very humane! “Having a phone means being able to …
Read More12 lessons on blogging from The Boss
Posted by staff / March 10, 2013Who wouldn’t like to have a career like Bruce Springsteen? A music legend, a man for all moods, and immortalized by the back view of a cruddy pair of jeans that still gets hearts racing after twenty-five-plus years. All right, maybe the jeans part smacks of objectification, but there’s plenty else to be learned from …
Read MoreWhat friends do for friends with short-term memory loss
Posted by staff / March 10, 2013Some may say that a true friend would answer your questions over and over again while you suffer from short-term memory loss, but we think Redditor JoDiegoJo should hold onto the boon companion who penned this invaluable letter. Hey, even friends have to go to the bathroom sometimes… Full story at Reddit via Neatorama. Laughter …
Read MoreWho knew? Why goats yell like humans
Posted by staff / March 8, 2013Forrest Wickman at Slate begins his article in a way more compelling fashion than I could begin mine and so I’ll quote it directly: If you’re among the millions who have spent a significant portion of the past month watching videos of goats yelling like humans, you may have wondered: Why do goats yell like …
Read More23 days a year – that’s how much time we spend on smartphones
Posted by staff / March 8, 2013A British website conducted a survey of mobile phone owners asking how much time they spent each day on their phones – using apps, talking, texting or anything else. The results are amazing! But from my perspective as a smartphone (currently BB Z10 – fab!), not surprising. The average answer is 90 minutes per day. …
Read MoreThe brain: A user’s guide to emotions [infographic]
Posted by staff / March 8, 2013Though culture teaches us that emotions come from the heart, science knows it’s just one of the many fascinating functions of the brain and are discovering more and more about this fascinating field every day. This infographic from BestPsychologyDegrees takes a closer look at the research and what we now know about the brain and …
Read More8 reasons to eat eggplant
Posted by staff / March 7, 2013Livin’ it up with Mamika (the granny) and Bob (the chicken)
Posted by staff / March 7, 2013Who didn’t utter an “Awwww” when Parisian photographer Sacha Goldberger decided to bring some light to his granny’s life by dressing her up as a superhero and making her an Internet star? Well, she’s still alive and kicking, this time with a poultry companion by the name of Bob. Say what you want about her …
Read MorePaintball gun that fires when you tweet a certain hashtag
Posted by staff / March 6, 2013Somewhere there is a paintball gun aimed at a whiteboard in a room that will respond and fire if it receives a tweet with the hashtag #islpaint. Apparently it gets taken off-line pretty regularly because of the mess and paint splatter but it does work. And that supposedly is part of the attraction: making a …
Read MoreBillionaires who inherited their wealth – Forbes
Posted by staff / March 6, 2013Forbes produces a list of the world’s billionaires and doesn’t always note the source of their money. There are over 1400 in this class of wealth at the moment. From our inane facts file, here are three who inherited their wealth along with a “fun fact” provided by Forbes. Please note that the “fun fact” …
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