Author: staff
12 points on social media and defamation
Posted by staff / November 7, 2012If the Internet is known for one thing (other than cat videos), it’s vitriol, and with the prominent role social media plays in our lives, it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of defamation when tempers start to flare. That’s why Sara Hawkins of 12Most wrote the “12 Most Useful Things to Know …
Read MoreMortgage payment breakdown [infographic]
Posted by staff / November 7, 2012Even though it’s been years since the housing crisis hit, the ins and outs of mortgages are still a mystery to many, so wanted to look behind the numbers on that big check being written each month to explain where all that money is going as well as some pros and cons of different …
Read MoreEyes may explain why bird plumage ‘pops’
Posted by staff / November 1, 2012Varying ability to see UV light may account for birds’ wild diversity of color, such as the brilliant blue plumage that male fairy-wrens use to stand out from their surroundings. “The reproductive success of males can depend a great deal on plumage coloration and just how conspicuous or ‘good-looking’ the male doing the courting is, …
Read MoreFinger-pointing bookmark gives readers a helping hand
Posted by staff / October 28, 2012Just because e-readers appear to be the trend of tomorrow doesn’t mean readers of the old-fashioned variety aren’t interested in new gadgets, in this case, a simple yet original bookmark idea that allows them to skip the skimming and jump right back into the action. Available in three bright colors, the pointing finger bookmark by …
Read More6 sassy costumes for math and science nerds
Posted by staff / October 26, 2012All right, so we’re not sure “sassy” is really the word to use when it comes to unveiling your inner geek on Halloween, but throw in a little confidence and swagger or swing while you sport one of these costumes suggested by Mollie Bloudoff-Indelicato at Scientific American and perhaps you’ll be a first. PUMPKIN “PI”: …
Read MoreEmail: Friend or foe? [infographic]
Posted by staff / October 26, 2012With the rise of mobile technology, we can now check our e-mail from practically anywhere, but is this anywhere access increasing our productivity or only our stress levels? Take a look at what the research has to say in this infographic from Master Degree Online. Via Master Degree Online. Like infographics? So do we.
Read MoreFirst-time sex: worth waiting for?
Posted by staff / October 22, 2012People who have their first sexual experience later than average are likely to have more satisfying romantic relationships as adults, research suggests. “Most people experience their first intimate relationships when they are teenagers, but few studies have examined how these adolescent experiences are related to marital relationships in adulthood,” says Paige Harden, assistant professor in …
Read More23 classroom accommodation suggestions for kids with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome
Posted by staff / October 20, 2012Parents of children with autism and Asperger’s syndrome may quickly become accustomed to IEP and Section 504 meetings, but if you feel as though different accommodations are necessary to make sure your child is getting the most out of their educational experience, Eileen Bailey at Health Central has twenty-three suggestions to consider with their education …
Read MoreAll about text talk [infographic]
Posted by staff / October 19, 2012You might have thought abbreviations like OMG and LOL would eventually fade from the vernacular, but when the Oxford English Dictionary gives you the thumbs up, it’s time to suck it up and start speaking text talk. Via OMG infographics!
Read More15 antique items that might be worth big money
Posted by staff / October 19, 2012The state of grandma’s basement may make you want to grab a Zippo and call it a day, but before you go sweeping through a major cleanup tossing everything into trash bags, it might be well worth your while to check out this list of antiques provided by Shana Ecker at Huffington Post before taking …
Read More12 mini-mobile homes for bikes
Posted by staff / October 15, 2012Just because you travel on two wheels doesn’t mean you should have to miss out on all the luxury a mobile home has to offer and, surprisingly enough, Steph at WebUrbanist was able to dig up twelve examples of these abodes in the wonderland we call the Interwebz. If that’s not enough to make you …
Read More12 great words to spice up your vocabulary
Posted by staff / October 15, 2012With the recent addition of “malarkey” back into the vernacular, perhaps you’ve been looking to resurrect some more quirky terms from the good old days and put them into daily usage. As Marc Ensign of 12Most points out, nothing spices up a blog like a few unique terms that will turn a prosaic post into …
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