Author: staff
15 crazy movie credits
Posted by staff / August 28, 2012There are people who make a beeline for the bathroom as soon as movie credits start to roll and people who stick around to see if there are any surprises lurking in the credit scroll. If you’re usually in the latter group except when the large Diet Coke proves much too tempting, you may have …
Read MoreSip the dark side of the Force with the Death Star tea infuser
Posted by staff / August 27, 2012Is there a subtle dig at Britain’s colonial days here or are we just overanalyzing things? Probably the latter, but if you can’t help but cackle over a cup of tea, then the Death Star tea infuser is definitely for you. It’s like watching evil spread like a plague through the galaxy before rebel honey …
Read MoreFoot bottom exposé [comic]
Posted by staff / August 23, 2012Warning: Those with a serious foot aversion should not look at this comic. With the carefree season of barefoot living coming to a close, it might be time to take a closer look at what’s been lurking where the sun don’t shine. Full story at via Graph Jam. Yuck.
Read MoreGoing Gonzo and other great Muppets masks
Posted by staff / August 22, 2012If you’ve ever tried to construct a convincing Kermit the Frog headpiece the night before Halloween, you know it takes a bit more skill than the rest of the costume (and will end up on the car floor anyway). So, if your little munchkin has their heart set on being a Sesame Street or Muppets …
Read MoreArchitectural ABC’s
Posted by staff / August 21, 2012Photo credit: Chris LaBrooy Just because the ABC’s are one of the first lessons learned doesn’t mean many an architect doesn’t remember it as one of their favorites, or so it would appear from this collection of buildings from Flavorwire that incorporate letters into their structures. One could say it’s a particularly elementary form of …
Read More‘Drag queen’ Barbie: Sexy and she knows it
Posted by staff / August 19, 2012Mattel’s marketing of the iconic Barbie doll has tried to appeal to a more career-oriented class of gal, dressed as everything from a paratrooper to an ambassador for world peace, so it should come as no surprise that the company is now reaching across the gender divide to embrace the designs of longtime fans, Phillipe …
Read MoreThe mystery of the modern virgin birth still has scientists stumped
Posted by staff / August 19, 2012When geneticist Helen Spurway discovered that female guppies were able to conceive without a male via a process known as parthenogenesis and research from other scientists indicated mammals such as cats and ferrets could be forced to conceive without sperm in the 1950s, her inquiring mind began to wonder if herein lay the explanation for …
Read MoreTraits of excellent salespeople
Posted by staff / August 16, 2012Are you an excellent salesperson? Me neither. But we can both change this, you and me. How? By looking at these twenty traits of great salespeople, we can mimic them. Here are some examples: They don’t think in terms of sales but rather in terms of building a business. Great sales people are building a …
Read MoreAnimate fruits and veggies with Edible Eyes
Posted by staff / August 16, 2012Are your bananas tired of being the most boring fruit in the bowl? Have your apples been longing to express themselves with some windows to their souls? Then what your healthy food options need is a set of Edible Eyes from Suck UK. The kids might be a little freaked about further traumatizing a terrified-looking …
Read MoreWhy chronic stress can shrink your brain
Posted by staff / August 13, 2012Scientists have discovered one reason why depression and chronic stress can cause the brain to shrink. “We wanted to test the idea that stress causes a loss of brain synapses in humans,” says senior author Ronald Duman, professor of psychiatry, neurobiology, and pharmacology at Yale University. “We show that circuits normally involved in emotion, as …
Read More10 bits of trivia about the Perseid meteor shower
Posted by staff / August 11, 2012With the Perseid meteor shower peaking tonight, you might need some small talk to fill those moments between making wishes, so here are ten fun facts about the Perseid meteor shower courtesy of Robert Roy Britt at Be sure to respect the wishes of those looking for a bit of peace and quiet under …
Read MorePine trees responsible for air pollution
Posted by staff / August 10, 2012Pine trees are one of the biggest contributors to air pollution. They give off gases that react with airborne chemicals—many of which are produced by human activity—creating tiny, invisible particles that muddy the air. And, according to researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, the aerosols emitted by pine trees and free radicals are a volatile combination—and …
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