In bad news for Trump, Joe Biden is far less unpopular than Hillary Clinton
Posted by Annie May / June 16, 2020
Last election, every poll had Hillary Clinton beating Trump. Everyone believed those polls, and they predicted Clinton would win by a landslide. But there was another story, one that no one wanted to hear: Hillary Clinton may have been ahead in many polls, but she was still wildly unpopular.
Trump and his team may be hoping that the current polls are inaccurate––they have to hope that, since a new CNN poll has Biden way up on Trump––some 14 points up––or they may be hoping that, just like last time, the polls don’t even matter. After all, he won last time.
But this isn’t 2016, and Trump isn’t facing an unpopular candidate. Biden is much, much more well-liked than Clinton was this time last cycle.
And it gets worse. When Trump took a stand against taking a knee (as it were), he had to important allies: NASCAR and the NFL. Now, he’s lost them both. This is a bad sign for Trump, he’s watching his approval ratings slip and other key allies flee.
Trump’s approval rating is slipping among Christians, which used to be among his most solid blocs. The New York Times reveals that evangelicals are abandoning him at a slow trickle, while a PRRI and SSRS poll reveals that support among Catholics has plummeted a whopping 23%.
Polls in key states show that older voters, one of Trump’s key blocs, are switching their allegiance to Joe Biden. Recent polls have also shown the majority of voters in key swing states disapprove of Trump’s COVID response. Those states, Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, are key swing states and recent polls have also indicated that Biden is more popular among voters.
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