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The Bernie 2020 campaign is heating up fast

Posted by / February 26, 2019

Hardly a week after declaring himself a candidate for the 2020 presidential election, Bernie Sanders is already making headlines and heading to the front of the Democratic pack in several important areas.

Let’s start with the most important arena: money. In the week since he announced his candidacy, Bernie Sanders has already raised $10 million, and he raised it from 359,914 donors. What’s even more stunning is that 39 percent donated under an email address that had never before been affiliated with Sanders. That suggests that his already massive donor base is growing. Ari Rabin-Havt, a senior adviser to Mr. Sanders, described the fundraising in this way: “Our second day was bigger than anybody else’s first day.” On that first day, only seventeen people donated the maximum allowable amount of $2,800. That means everyone else can donate more.

In a very close second in terms of importance, Sanders claims that one million people have already signed up to volunteer for his campaign. This means that, like his 2016 campaign, 2020 will be a massive grassroots movement.

Sanders campaign agenda is clear. When asked at a town hall how he would fund a Medicare-for-all program, he replied, “Am I going to demand that the wealthy and large corporations start paying their fair share of taxes? Damn right I will.”

More politics.

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