Bernie leading, Warren in second in CO primary polls
Posted by Josh Taylor / February 27, 2020
Bernie Sanders is looking to sweep a host of primary races in the upcoming weeks. He’s polling in first place for the upcoming Colorado primaries, with Elizabeth Warren coming in second, some fourteen points behind.
Bernie Sanders also leads the primary field in California, with 24%, followed by Elizabeth Warren with 16%. He’s also maintaining his lead in Nevada, ahead of the caucus.
Government officials have warned Sanders that Russians are interfering in the primaries on his behalf. Sanders has condemned any Russian interference in the election, even if it benefits him––unlike Donald Trump, who seems to have welcomed Russian interference.
Bernie Sanders has, officially, pulled far ahead of the pack. According to a recent ABC News-Washington Post poll, Sanders has a whopping fifteen-point lead over his nearest competitor, Joe Biden.
A poll by Texas Lyceum pit different Democratic contenders against Donald Trump in a single battleground: Texas. According to that poll, the candidate with the best odds is Bernie Sanders. He got 47% of that hypothetical vote to Trump’s 50%. That’s within the poll’s margin of error.
Twenty-six percent of voters, according to a recent poll, say that they think Bernie Sanders is the most honest presidential candidate. The next highest––by a wide margin––was Joe Biden, at 17%. Warren was third at 14%, while the remaining contenders all had single digit numbers.
Bernie Sanders is witnessing a huge surge in popularity, just over a week away from the Iowa Caucus. This may be the perfect time––Elizabeth Warren, his closest non-Biden rival is lagging, and Biden himself is beginning to experience a bit of a slump.
A recent poll of 4,069 voters has Bernie Sanders farther ahead of a Trump in a national election than any other Democrat. According to the poll, 52% of voters pick Sanders, while only 43% picked Trump. Biden was next at 50% to Trump again at 43%, followed by Bloomberg at 49% to Trump’s 42%.
Bernie Sanders has risen in the polls, and he is now tied with Joe Biden among registered voters. As one New York Times op-ed author titled a recent piece: “President Bernie Sanders: It Really Could Happen.”
Things are changing in the Democratic primary field. It’s looking increasing likely that Bernie Sanders could actually be the nominee. He’s currently leading a tight race in Iowa at 20%. Elizabeth Warren is behind him at 17%. Biden is in fourth at 15%.
Biden is struggling to stay relevant. Biden told voters in New Hampshire that he would be open to running with a Republican as his potential vice president.
“The answer is I would, but I can’t think of one now,” Biden said. “Let me explain that. You know there’s some really decent Republicans that are out there still, but here’s the problem right now … they’ve got to step up.”
Biden’s statement comes admist a shifting primary field, and he is undoubtedly trying to appeal tot he exhausted majority of Americans fed up with the partisan divide.
Andrew Yang has overtaken Mayor Pete Buttigieg in primary polls, becoming the fourth most popular candidate in the still-crowded field. This change is part of a larger shakeup in the polls. According to another poll, Warren and Biden have fallen in California polls. The new leading primary candidate is Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders is surging in other polls, too. According to recent polls, he is in the lead for the New Hampshire primaries with 26% of Democrats supporting him. Right behind him sits Pete Buttigieg at 22%. Biden and Warren are tied for third at 14%.
Sanders is on fire––he’s the first candidate to qualify for the Maine primary. An October poll had Warren with a double digit lead, but that seems to be changing. Even the corporate media, which apparently is at war against Sanders, has had to take note of his success.
Warren, meanwhile, is dropping. A recent poll shows her nationwide support plummeting by some 50%! Since October, she’s dropped from 28% support to 14% support. Joe Biden, meanwhile, has returned to first place with Pete Buttigieg coming in second.
What’s going on with Warren? It’s possible that she was just on an early popularity wave––that’s what she says, in fact. She knew it would be nearly impossible to lock down the nomination so early in the game. But it’s also possible that her Medicare for All platform is hurting herself. It also could have been due to a lackluster debate performance, which was her worst to date.
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