Biden shifts left to attract Bernie voters, leads Trump in polls
Posted by Josh Taylor / April 10, 2020
Bernie Sanders dropping out of the presidential primary race, has left Joe Biden the presumptive front runner. Sanders has not yet endorsed Biden––it is likely that Sanders will continue amassing delegates in order to keep influencing the party. From there, he will work together with Biden, pulling the party left, to defeat Trump.
It seems that Sanders mere existence has already pulled the party left. Biden has released plans both to expand Medicare and forgive some student loan debts.
Biden said that Sanders did more than run a campaign––he created a political movement. He’s definitely right about that. Sanders’s democratic social agenda has become the talk of the internet. Casually browsing Reddit a month ago, one might have assumed that Sanders was the clear frontrunner for the Democratic Party’s nomination.
Whatever happens in the next several months, Sanders will still exert a pull over the Democratic Party and the national election. Democrats will have to shift the party farther left to accommodate the Sanders-boosters. It seems like that Biden will choose Elizabeth Warren as his running mate to do just that. Warren herself said of Sanders, his “fight for progressive ideas moved the conversation and charted a path for candidates and activists that will change the course of our country and party.” Noam Chomsky said that Sanders has permanently changed U.S. politics.
Republicans, meanwhile, will continue to vilify Sanders as a “socialist” or even a “communist.
As of now, polls show that Biden has an 11% lead over Trump.
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