Congress is investigating Pence’s stay at Trump’s Ireland resort
Posted by Ivan Vaquero / September 7, 2019
The House Oversight Committee has sent letters to the White House, the Trump Organization, the vice president’s office, and the US Secret Service questioning Mike Pence’s stay at Trump’s Ireland resort, as well as Trump’s plan to host the G7 summit at his Florida resort. The committee wrote that it “does not believe that US taxpayer funds should be used to personally enrich President Trump, his family, and his companies.”
Pence’s stay in particular was troublesome because all of his meetings took place across the whole country, about three hours away. Many critics are accusing Pence of downright corruption.
The committee is investigating “[p]otential violations of the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses of the Constitution are of grave concern to the Committee as it considers whether to recommend articles of impeachment.”
This will not reflect well on Trump, who has already been accused of using the office of the president to line his pockets. But that might be the least of his problems––Pence staying at a Trump resort to make Trump rich might raise the specter of tyranny once again. From nearly the beginning of his presidency, Donald Trump has been accused of autocracy. Now that 2020 is in spitting distance, his critics are growing worried that he is not going to give up his office should he lose the vote.
More news.
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