Congress opened Trump impeachment hearings
Posted by Josh Taylor / September 18, 2019
It has begun. Congress has finally opened impeachment hearings. They began with the questioning of Corey Lewandowski, one of Trump’s former campaign managers.
The investigations will dig into other issues. Remember when Donald Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani asked the Ukrainian government to investigate Joe Biden, in order to help discredit Biden in the 2020 elections? That may come back to bite Trump––three committees in the House of Representatives are investigating that incident.
The investigation points to the widening gap between progressive Democrats, who have been pushing for Trump to be impeached since the 2018 midterms, and the more moderate Democrats, who advocate for political caution.
But even some Republicans have been advocating for Trump’s impeachment. Michael Gerson, former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, wrote in a Washington Post op-ed that House leader should begin laying groundwork for impeachment. He argues that it is their duty as government leaders, and their failure to do so would invite other foreign governments (besides Russia) to meddle in U.S. elections.
In response to all this, Trump has he said that he would “head to the Supreme Court” to try to block impeachment. As anyone with even vague memories of middle school civics class knows, however, the Supreme Court has nothing to do with impeachment.
Others believe that Trump investigations should continue, but perhaps not along the impeachment line. S.E. Cupp, a conservative host on the otherwise liberal CNN, has said, “This president is unfit to lead. He has shown time and time again his utter disdain for our democratic process, separation of powers, the law. He’s got to go. But not by impeachment.”
More news.
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