Criticism of religious right rises amidst COVID crisis
Posted by Josh Taylor / March 31, 2020
The New York Times recently published an opinion piece accusing the religious right of hindering the COVID response by pushing their “anti-science” agenda. A Tampa megachurch pastor has basically proven the author right by holding a service despite the coronavirus threat. He has been arrested.
Such events only serve to widen the growing divide between more conservative evangelical Christians and the more liberal side of the population, not to mention a divide between black and white Americans.
According to the Pew Forum, one of the most reliable sources of religious data in the country, most white evangelicals (77%) are at least somewhat confident that Trump is doing a good job responding to the COVID pandemic. By contrast, 79% of black Protestants are not confident that he’s doing a good job. Only atheists are more skeptical than black Protestants.
White Protestants in general, but white evangelicals in particular, feel that both the news media and Democratic congressional leaders have exaggerated the risks of the coronavirus outbreak. Indeed, president of Liberty University and son of the founder of the Moral Majority Jerry Falwell Jr. has allowed students back on campus, drawing the fury of the college’s town, Lynchburg, VA. Professors run online classes now, but they’re expected to do so from their offices and welcome students to face-to-face office hours.
Trump is making political hay out of white Protestants skepticism about the coronavirus. In a recent call with hundreds of pastors, Trump drew attention away from the “Chinese virus” and back to the November election, reminding the pastors of all he says he has done for them.
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