Religion News Service (
Combines news, features, and opinion pieces by journalists and some of the most respected scholars in the humanities, with a focus on the United States.
Religion Dispatches (
The Immanent Frame (
Compiles the work of professional scholars on the subject of religion, secularism, and the public sphere.
World Religion News (
Compiles reputable news and columns on religions around the world.
A forum for all discussion and content-sharing related to Islam.
Reddit Judaism (
A forum for all discussion and content-sharing related to Judaism.
The Friendly Atheist (
Shares news and opinions on all things related to atheism. This blog is among the most respected in atheist circles.
Red Letter Christian (
Compiles a variety of Christian author's opinions about Christianity in relation to social issues.
Muslim Matters (
Combines tending news about Islam, features on stories of interest to Muslims, and opinion pieces.
Jew in the City (
Breaks down stereotypes about Orthodox Judaism through humor, opinion pieces, and Q&As.
Reddit Hinduism (
A forum for all discussion and content-sharing related to Hinduism.
Reddit Atheism (
A forum for all discussion and content-sharing related to atheism.
Reddit Buddhism (
A forum for all discussion and content-sharing related to Buddhism.
Reddit Christianity (
A forum for all discussion and content-sharing related to Christianity.
Review of Religions (
Religion and Politics (
Few topics on this list are as complicated or as challenging as religion. There are tons of terrible religion websites out there, from bad mommy blogs even to dangerous extremist sites. Don't risk bad theology, wrong news, or dangerous misinformation.
Instead, use our cultivated list. We've picked the most reliable websites on a few things relating to religion: religion news in general, news specific to religious traditions, and the academic study of religion. Keep up with these blogs for the best on those three subjects.
Religion News Service
The Religion News Service was founded in 1934 as an independent, high-quality source of news for all things religion, spirituality, and ethics. It is a nonprofit and (still) independent source, unaffialiated with any religious group.
Religion Dispatches
Religion Dispatches takes a more academic and theoretical approach to religion news. Instead of focusing on denominational news or news about a religious tradition, they focus on news stories about how religion works in society.
The Immanent Frame
The Immanent Frame is an academically-oriented blog about religion, secularism, and the public sphere. The authors are almost exclusively professional scholars, but their writing is more approachable than in peer-reviewed journals.
World Religion News
World Religion News brings you updates from all of the major world religions. The RSS feed brings you everything, but if you’re interested you can hone in on a specific tradition.
Reddit Islam
Nearly 100,000 users gather on this forum to share news, opinions, questions, and (of course) memes about Islam. The content changes regularly, so if you’re interested in Islam keep an eye on this forum.
Reddit Judaism
About 50,000 redditors participate in this forum about all things Jewish. Besides news, they share jokes, videos, memes, and questions.
The Friendly Atheist
Hemant Mehta runs the Friendly Atheist, a blog on which he shares a stunning amount of news tailored to atheist interests. Most of the posts are anti-religious in nature, pointing out what Mehta sees as hypocrisies among religious people.
Red Letter Christians
Red Letter Christians stemmed from the work of Tony Campolo, a sociologist who created a back-to-Jesus movement. The movement began in 2007, and the blog started in 2010 as a way for writers and speakers to promote the Red Letter lifestyle.
Muslim Matters
Muslim Matters is an online magazine founded in 2007. It focuses on the issues Muslims face around the world but specifically in the West. They seek to discuss this news without sacrificing their religious identities.
Jew in the City
Allison Josephs founded Jew in the City to fight the negative, incorrect stereotypes about Orthodox Judaism. While the organization does a variety of things to fight that misinformation, the blog shares interesting news and opinions about Orthodox Judaism.