CVS to sell CBD products in 8 states
Posted by Josh Taylor / March 23, 2019
The pharmacy giants CVS is set to start selling CBD oil in 800 stores across eight states: Alabama, California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland and Tennessee. CVS will sell a variety of topical cannabidiol products––things like creams, sprays, and roll-ons, as “an alternative source of relief” for pain.
Cannabidiol, or CBD, was already everywhere, even before CVS announced that it would sell it. Hemp is now a legal crop, which is leading some to hope that CBD is now going to be federally legal (not the case). Some people swear that CBD is a miracle cure, while others thing it’s snakeoil. Which is it?
While there are some studies hinting at promising results from CBD, you may not want to jump on the CBD bandwagon just yet. Cecilia Hillard, director of the Neuroscience Research Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin, notes “There’s no regulatory agency that’s overlooking (CBD oil’s) purity, its concentration, whether or not there are other things that are present in the oils like pesticides, or molds, or heavy metals and so forth.”
So before you rush to your nearest CVS, maybe read this New York Times article, which points out that CBD is so unregulated and understudied that, for now, it might be best to save your money.
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