Democrats want to force Trump to reveal Putin meeting details
Posted by Josh Taylor / February 17, 2019
According a report from Politico, Rep. Adam Schiff, the Intelligence Committee chairman, and Rep. Eliot Engel, the Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, are preparing to force President Trump to reveal the details of his private meeting(s) with Russian president Vladimir Putin.
In a brief statement, Schiff said, “I had a meeting with the [House of Representatives] general counsel to discuss this and determine the best way to find out what took place in those private meetings — whether it’s by seeking the interpreter’s testimony, the interpreter’s notes, or other means.” The Democrats desire to seek counsel indicate that they anticipate a fight from the White House, and that they’re ready to face such a fight.
According to the Washington Post, Donald Trump allegedly went to “extraordinary lengths” to hide the content of his meeting with Putin. This report likely contributed to the House’s desire to uncover the notes from those meetings.
If push comes to shove and the executive branch and legislative brach go to court, experts suggest that the ensuing legal battles could set entirely new precedent. Heretofore, such conversations would be protected as national security matters. If the Democrats allege that Trump’s conversations actually represent a threat to national security, things could get interesting.
More politics.
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