Elizabeth Warren has dropped out of the primary race
Posted by Josh Taylor / March 6, 2020
Elizabeth Warren, once a potential front-runner in the US primary race, has dropped out after a disappointing Super Tuesday showing. Warren was the last of the frontrunners to leave the pool.
Mike Bloomberg also dropped out of the presidential primary, endorsing Joe Biden. His brief campaign cost him (him personally) a whopping $550 million.
Amy Klobuchar also ended her presidential primary bid just before Super Tuesday. Like her main rival, Pete Buttigieg, she hoped to secure the moderate vote. Joe Biden’s big South Carolina win dashed those hopes. Bloomberg had to give up after the crushing super Tuesday defeat.
Although Buttigieg narrowly won Iowa, he likely opted to drop out now for a few reasons. First, Joe Biden, Buttigieg’s moderate rival, crushed the South Carolina primary. This makes Buttigieg an unlikely first choice for moderates. Second, that primary victory signaled Buttigieg has not overcome his issues with black voters. Third, Buttigieg may be running low on funding, unlike his super PAC supported competition. Finally, Buttigieg is young. Staying in the race longer would jeopardize his good reputation by drawing support away from candidates more likely to win. Bowing out now, gracefully, will only look good for him.
Bernie Sanders is looking to sweep a host of primary races in the upcoming weeks. He’s polling in first place for the upcoming Colorado primaries, with Elizabeth Warren coming in second, some fourteen points behind.
Bernie Sanders also leads the primary field in California, with 24%, followed by Elizabeth Warren with 16%. He’s also maintaining his lead in Nevada, ahead of the caucus.
Government officials have warned Sanders that Russians are interfering in the primaries on his behalf. Sanders has condemned any Russian interference in the election, even if it benefits him––unlike Donald Trump, who seems to have welcomed Russian interference.
Bernie Sanders has, officially, pulled far ahead of the pack. According to a recent ABC News-Washington Post poll, Sanders has a whopping fifteen-point lead over his nearest competitor, Joe Biden.
A poll by Texas Lyceum pit different Democratic contenders against Donald Trump in a single battleground: Texas. According to that poll, the candidate with the best odds is Bernie Sanders. He got 47% of that hypothetical vote to Trump’s 50%. That’s within the poll’s margin of error.
Twenty-six percent of voters, according to a recent poll, say that they think Bernie Sanders is the most honest presidential candidate. The next highest––by a wide margin––was Joe Biden, at 17%. Warren was third at 14%, while the remaining contenders all had single digit numbers.
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