EU ambassador says Trump Ukraine call was quid pro quo
Posted by Josh Taylor / October 28, 2019
According to a lawyer for U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, Sondland told the House of Representatives that he thought Trump’s Ukraine demands were quid pro quo. Though Sondland is not a lawyer, the more officials who think that Trump’s demands were quid pro quo the worse it is for Trump.
Things keep getting worse for Trump. A federal judge recently decided that the impeachment investigations into Donald Trump are legal. As a result, the Justice Department must provide Mueller’s secret grand jury material to the House committee investigating Trump.
Nick Akerman, a prosecutor who investigated Nixon, has claimed that the evidence against Trump is even clearer and more damning than the evidence was against Nixon. Specifically, Akerman pointed to the increasing number of Trump aids and officials turning on him.
“This is a situation where you’ve got a lot of people who are career people, extremely smart people who certainly don’t want their reputations smeared. Trump had to use these foreign services people and professionals. He didn’t speak Ukrainian and Russian. He couldn’t communicate his threat without these people. He was forced to use people whose loyalty was to the U.S. government and Constitution and not to him,” Akerman said. That may spell the end of Trump’s presidency.
Trump’s plummeting poll numbers won’t help, either. According to a recent Fox News poll, Donald Trump’s disapproval rating is a whopping 55%. That’s three points higher than the average disapproval rating for Fox News poll, which is saying something since Fox News is the state media of Trumplandia.
The latest polls indicate a major shift in public opinions about Trump’s impeachment. A majority of Americans now support the proceedings. 58% of Americans think the impeachment proceedings are correct––including 80% Democrats and 30% Republicans. A whopping 49% of Americans believe the House should call for Trump’s removal from office. What’s worse for Trump: GOP support for impeachment is on the rise.
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