Expert says Epstein’s wounds consistent with murder
Posted by Josh Taylor / October 31, 2019
According to Dr. Michael Baden, a medical examiner who worked on high profile murder investigations, has suggested that Jeffrey Epstein’s wounds are more consistent with homicide than suicide.
“Those three fractures are extremely unusual in suicidal hangings and could occur much more commonly in homicidal strangulation,” he said. “I’ve not seen in 50 years where that occurred in a suicidal hanging case.” In that long career, Baden has examined over 20,000 corpses.
Epstein made his name as a hyper-rich financier, but a New York Times article revealed that his fortune may have been more myth than reality. In 2008, he was arrested for sex crimes (and defended by current Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta). Earlier this month, Epstein was arrested on federal sex traffickingcharges. He was denied bail, so instead of returning to his New York city mini-mansion, he was forced back to jail.
Later in July, Eptsein was found unconscious in his jail cell with injuries around his neck. The cause of the injuries is unknown, though sources told NBC news that Epstein may have been trying to get released home or sent to a different jail.
Denizens of the internet (particularly Twitter and Reddit) are of one mind about the suicide: that it was orchestrated to keep Epstein from publicly implicating powerful people involved in his alleged sex-ring. William Barr has announced that he is opening an investigation into Epstein’s death.
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