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Food and Drug Administration to hold public hearing on CBD

Posted by / April 3, 2019

The Food and Drug Administration will hold a public hearing on legalizing CBD in food and drinks, in an effort to figure out how to regulate the recently-legalized cannabis-based product. The outgoing FDA commissioner said in a statement: “It’s critical that we address these unanswered questions about CBD and other cannabis and cannabis-derived products to help inform the FDA’s regulatory oversight of these products — especially as the agency considers whether it could be appropriate to exercise its authority to allow the use of CBD in dietary supplements and other foods.”

The hearings follow the recent announcements of two major pharmacy chains. Walgreens has announced that it will sell CBD products in in 1,500 stores. For legal reasons, Walgreens can only sell the products in the following states: Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, Kentucky, Tennessee, Vermont, South Carolina, Illinois and Indiana. Weeks earlier,  CVS announced it would start selling CBD products in 800 stores across eight states: Alabama, California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland and Tennessee. CVS will sell a variety of topical cannabidiol products––things like creams, sprays, and roll-ons, as “an alternative source of relief” for pain.

If the FDA hearings signal that CBD products will soon be legally sold in food or drinks, the market could expand widely.

More health.

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