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Genetically engineered luxury cats

Posted by / December 4, 2009


Are you embarrassed by your tacky, classless cat? Do you feed your feline Fancy Feast, but it doesn’t seem to notice? Pour Johnny Walker Black into its bowl, and it prefers red? Does it meow and poop all over itself while you’re trying to push it around the Gette Museum in a stroller? I mean, this is priceless art, cat, get a grip on yourself.

Well, say goodbye to proletarian cat, and embrace the Genetically Engineered Luxury Cat!

Finally, there’s a feline that won’t embarrass you, one that is “gengineered from the ground up to appreciate the finer things in life.” Finally, there’s a cat you can push around the OC in a stroller without looking like a moron.

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  • Josh

    What do you mean, not literally talking about cats? You can SEE pictures of cats there. They use the word cat. What would they be talking about?