Kevin Spacey faces felony charges, releases perplexing video
Posted by Josh Taylor / December 26, 2018
Kevin Spacey is to be charged with felony assault, and he is to be arraigned January 7, 2020. From NPR: “Clerk Magistrate Brian Kearney issued the complaint for “indecent assault and battery,” a felony offense, following a public show cause hearing on Thursday. The criminal charges stem from former Boston news anchor Heather Unruh’s accusation last year that Spacey had assaulted her son.”
As this news broke, Kevin Spacey released a mysterious video called “Let Me Be Frank:”
The Daily Beast did not love the video, to say the least.
This important culinary primer aside, the video is not just a fail, it is also a menacing, self-aggrandizing, beyond tone-deaf, ego-maniacal fail, which shows exactly how little Spacey has cared to learn about himself, or the gravity of what he has been accused of, and the devastating effects of his alleged actions as so eloquently expressed by his accusers, like Anthony Rapp, who claimed Spacey had assaulted him when he was 14.
The video is confusing. What does Spacey mean? Does he want to return to playing Frank Underwood? Or does he want to speak “frankly”, using the classic Underwood direct-to-camera aside? And who is he talking to? The House of Cards audience? The American public at large? Or his accuser?
More news.
Anthony Rapp tried to promote his very poor performance in very disappointing Star Track TV Show. And as far I am not justifying what Spacey did he is a great actor.