We’re learning Trump’s troubled and troubling relationship with Fox news
Posted by Annie May / September 12, 2020
President Donald Trump is in a very strange relationship with Fox News. He seems to think the network owes some kind of personal allegiance to him, and he even went so far as to scream at Fox owner Rupert Murdoch for “unfair” coverage. Nevertheless, Trump is addicted to Fox news. Apparently he goes to bed watching Fox News and wakes up only to watch more.
Fox News may have just further damaged their already strained relationship with President Trump. Fox News cut away from Trump during a particularly boring, rambling COVID briefing in order to air the Biden-Harris campaign debut.
Last month, after the usually sympathetic network shared polls showing Trump behind in key swing states, Trump lashed out on Twitter:
This isn’t the first spat Trump had with the network, though. At the end of last year, Fox News host Chris Wallace declared war on Trump. That’s was because he thinks that Trump declared war on him, first.
“I believe that President Trump is engaged in the most direct sustained assault on freedom of the press in our history,” Wallace said, “He has done everything he can to undercut the media, to try and delegitimize us, and I think his purpose is clear: to raise doubts when we report critically about him and his administration that we can be trusted.”
Donald Trump’s reaction to Fox News is understandable, given that he seems traumatized by his much-hyped return rally in Tulsa, which was, in short, a big ol’ dud. The venue could hold nearly 20,000 people, but only about 6,00 showed up. Trump was allegedly furious about the poor turnout. Trump’s campaign tried to spin the poor attendance, but even Fox News didn’t buy it. The mayor of Atlanta called the event an embarrassment. Now, to avoid a similar failure, he’s apparently prepared to cancel his convention rally.
Trump is preemptively blaming foreign countries for his 2020 loss. He’s also going nuts about voting by mail, because he says it will lead to fraud, but really he know it means he will lose. Other observers––Republican operatives––think Trump might just quit rather than lose, which would effective screw the GOP.
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