Michael Cohen sues Trump organization for unpaid legal fees
Posted by Josh Taylor / March 8, 2019
Michael Cohen is suing the Trump organization for $1.9 million. Trump’s company is allegedly backing out on a preexisting agreement to pay legal fees Cohen accrued as a result of investigations into Trump and his organization. Cohen is also suing Trump for another $1.9 million for legal penalties Cohen incurred for services he provided Trump.
The Trump organization allegedly reneged on the payments after Cohen began cooperating with Mueller’s investigation into possible Russian collusion. The optics are bad: it looks as though Trump is unashamedly punishing Cohen for being a “rat.” Cohen is set to begin his three-year prison sentence in May, and as of last week he has been disbarred.
The following is a statement from Cohen’s attorney: “This action arises from the Trump Organization’s failure to meet its indemnification obligations under a contractual agreement between the Trump Organization and Mr. Cohen, pursuant to which the Trump Organization agreed to indemnify Mr. Cohen and to pay attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by Mr. Cohen in connection with various matters arising from Mr. Cohen’s work with and on behalf of the Organization and its principals, directors, and officers. These matters included multiple congressional hearings, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, and others.”
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