New video of QAnon Shaman supports claim Rioters followed Trump’s orders
Posted by Josh Taylor / February 8, 2021
Multiple Capitol rioters specifically wrote that they believed Donald Trump instructed them to riot, specifically referencing Trump’s words, “fight like hell.” Together, this evidence will harm Trump’s impeachment defense.
According to a Marist Poll, half of Americans want Trump impeached. That’s down about 6% from last week, when a Monmouth University poll revealed that 56% of Americans approve of Trump’s impeachment, three percent more than approved of his first impeachment.
Nancy Pelosi announced her determination to cary out the impeachment process. Without justice, she said, there would be no unity: “Just because he’s gone now ― thank god ― you don’t say to a president, ‘Do whatever you want in the last months of your administration’ … because people think we should make nice-nice and forget that people died here, that [Trump attempted] to undermine our election, to undermine our democracy, to dishonor our Constitution.”
Democrat lawmakers announced a potential Article of Impeachment against Donald Trump almost immediately following the Capitol riots. Days later, Donald Trump has made history by being the only president ever impeached twice. The case will likely not go to the Senate until Joe Biden is president.
Newspapers around the country, including The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Baltimore Sun, Capital Gazette, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer and USA Today have all published vehement criticisms of Donald Trump, following the violence he stoked among right-wing rioters, which led to the storming and brief occupation of the U.S. Capitol. That event followed a rally in which Donald Trump once more claimed to have been the victim of a rigged election.
Earlier this week, Louie Gohmert, a Congressman from Texas, has suggested that “violence on the streets is last resort for Trump supporters who hope to get their man in office despite his loss in a, you know, legitimate election.
Security experts have warned that the right-wing embrace of conspiracy theories represents mass radicalization, a claim borne out following the dramatic events after the election, QAnon supporters have vowed to leave the GOP, possibly forming a party of their own. Many of the mob involved in the violence at the Capitol were wearing QAnon logos or holding up Q-related signs.
During the election, A 20-year-old voting contractor in Georgia is facing death threats after a QAnon influencer orchestrated a campaign against him. Trump, meanwhile, is fanning the flames by posting long, rambling tirades on Facebook that include the same charts and graphs that QAnon uses.
Shortly after the election, paramilitary groups, QAnon conspiracy theorists, and other Trump supporters gathered in Nevada to fight the election results this past weekend.
Two armed Virginians were arrested in Philadelphia for trying to deliver fake ballots. They had QAnon paraphernalia in their car.
More news.
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