New York to cease most marijuana arrests
Posted by Josh Taylor / June 24, 2018
There are about 17,000 marijuana arrests in New York City every year. But the police department is planning to dramatically cut the number of arrests––by up to ten thousand––in the next year. Progressive New Yorkers hope that the law will help rectify the racial disparity in marijuana arrests. From the article:
The new policy, which will take effect on Sept. 1, will not curb police officers’ power to stop and search people who they think are smoking marijuana. And because it exempts from the no-arrest policy certain people with criminal records, many of them black, it is unlikely on its own to shift the focus of marijuana enforcement away from the nonwhite New Yorkers who have for decades been the targets of arrests.
Full story at New York Times.
More great news.
Look at it this way. Forty percent of most prisons have occupants that are innocent. Most police stations only have about a twenty percent closure rate, which means the cops only do their jobs about 12% of the time with any efficacy. Meaning that without fraudulent and petty convictions like that of Cannabis they have no revenue. So basically the law ignored and even manipulated scientific research, in order to contradicting the Shafer Commission Report, so that they might generate revenue.