Quick and dirty summary of Democratic debates
Posted by Josh Taylor / July 31, 2019
Last night’s Democratic primary debates prove one thing: the Democratic primaries are starting to heat up. Three top candidates were on last night’s stage: Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren.
CNN offers a helpful “by the numbers” summary of the debates, which reveals that Warren had the most speaking time, followed by Sanders and then Buttigieg.
As per performances, the candidates fit into their stereotypes pretty well. Warren was often visibly frustrated that no one seemed to grasp her policies properly. She had excellent answers to questions, she was passionate, and she even had a brilliant zinger, witnessed in the beginning of this clip:
Buttigieg was almost too polished. His answers were damn near perfect, and his delivery was incredible:
Sanders was Sanders. He yelled so much that Tim Ryan told him not to yell so much.
The rest of the candidates were definitely lackluster, with one surprising exception: Marianne Williamson. The self-help guru tends to draw eye-rolls, but last night she spoke with clarity and passion, and she seemed to sound a moral clarion call for the more moderate candidates on the stage.
These debates made a few things clear. First, Beto is definitely done. He needs to end his campaign with dignity. Second, the majority of the other candidates––especially Klobuchar (who stumbled over her words too many times), Hickenlooper (don’t bother to remember that name), and Delaney––will likely flounder on for awhile, but they have nothing to lose so they’ll ride the wave until they get to shore. Finally, Bernie ain’t going down without a serious fight. The audience LOVED him.
More politics.
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