R. Kelly couldn’t come up with $100k, spent night in jail
Posted by Josh Taylor / February 25, 2019
Earlier this weekend, hip-hop artist and producer Robert Kelly turned himself in after being charged with 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. A judge set bond at one million dollars. In order to post that Bond, Kelly would need to front ten percent of it, in cash. That means he would need to come up with $100,000. For most of us, that’s obviously a lot of money. But for an internationally famous music-maker and producer with a long career, no problem, right?
Actually, it was quote the problem. R. Kelly had to spend the night in jail because he couldn’t come up with that kind of cash. He also apparently owes $161,000 in back child support and he’s behind on rent. His attorney said, “I don’t even think he owns the rights to ‘I Believe I Can Fly.'”
The Associated Press graphic details of the women’s accusations against Kelly.
Kelly’s attorney said that he believes all four women who accuse Kelly are lying. If Kelly is convicted, he will face three to seven years in prison for each count aggravated sexual assault.
Homeland Security is also investigating Kelly, but there are no details yet about that investigation.
The recent Lifetime’s documentary called “Surviving R. Kelly” initially led Chicago authorities to open an investigation into Kelly. In that documentary, several women reported that Kelly sexually assaulted them when they were underage.
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