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Trump isn’t going to go quietly

Posted by / November 8, 2020

Donald Trump has lost the White House, but don’t expect him to leave quietly. A former director of the CIA is worried that Trump will rile up his base and possibly drive them to violence. Even though his aides tell him the legal assaults will be useless, he intends to throw every lawsuit at the wall in the hopes that one sticks.  Weirdly, Trump seems to be pretending that everything is normal. He’s tweeting that he’s won the race, and he spent Saturday golfing, like he did for most of his presidency.

Although we still don’t know who won the 2020 election, one thing is clear: it’s a close call, and our country is more divided than ever. Trump inspired almost unbelievable dedication in his supporters and zeal among his enemies. The sheer effort anti-Trumpers put into this election shows their intensity. A Harvard poll indicates that young voters’ turnout broke records this year. These younger people are largely pro-Biden, and their large numbers point to their zeal. The pro-Biden  Texas Democrats pushed the vote hard, trying desperately to turn the state Blue for the first time in 44 yearsOne of the biggest demographic hitting the polls this year were, unsurprisingly young voters.

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