Are Trump’s 2020 prospects getting bleaker?
Posted by Josh Taylor / January 27, 2019
After the longest shutdown in United States history and an increasingly damaging investigation into possible Russian collusion, are Donald Trump’s chances of winning the 2020 presidential nomination declining?
The New York Times thinks so:
The longest government shutdown in history inflicted severe political damage on the president, dragging down his poll numbers even among Republicans and stirring concern among party leaders about his ability to navigate the next two years of divided government. Mr. Trump, close associates acknowledge, appears without a plan for mounting a strong campaign in 2020, or for persuading the majority of Americans who view him negatively to give him another chance.
It’s unsurprising, perhaps, that the Donald doesn’t have a plan. Observers disagree about whether he won or lost the showdown––and that’s a bad thing for Trump, a very bad thing. It means his base is splitting:
In the Politico/Morning Consult poll, Trump’s disapproval increased among evangelicals, non-college-educated voters, and those who voted for Trump in 2016, compared with a poll in early January. Meanwhile, the number who blamed Trump for the shutdown increased (slightly) among all three groups.
In addition to weakening support among his base, the entire Trump administration is also under the shadow of an investigation. The New York Times reveals that Trump and his associates had over one hundred contacts with Russians.
More politics.
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