2 articles of impeachment against Trump announced
Posted by Annie May / December 11, 2019
House Democrats announced two articles of impeachment against Donald Trump, one for obstruction of Congress and one for abuse of power. If (and when) approved, the will go to the Senate.
The White House said that it would not intend to defend President Trump in the impeachment hearings. That indicates it feels confident that the Senate will not vote to remove from office.
“House Democrats have wasted enough of America’s time with this charade,” wrote White House counsel Pat A. Cipollone, “You should end this inquiry now and not waste even more time with additional hearings.”
But perhaps the White House shouldn’t be so cavalier. Trump is in very hot water. A recent poll reveals that 50% of the country wants Trump impeached and removed from office.
Earlier polls suggest that support for Trump’s impeachment is rising. Fifty-five percent of voters now approve of the investigation, showing a slow but steady increase.
Another recent poll––taken before Trump’s disastrous Turkey incident––shows that approval of the impeachment investigations into him is on the rise. Fifty-four percent of Americans approve of the investigation, with only 44% disapproving of the investigations. Worse for Trump, 58% of respondents believe that Trump definitely or probably did something that constitutes “grounds for impeachment.” Most of the increase comes from moderate or independent-leaning Democrats, but some is coming from Republicans.
These polls indicate a major shift in public opinions about Trump’s impeachment. A majority of Americans now support the proceedings. 58% of Americans think the impeachment proceedings are correct––including 80% Democrats and 30% Republicans. A whopping 49% of Americans believe the House should call for Trump’s removal from office. What’s worse for Trump: GOP support for impeachment is on the rise.
Public support for impeaching Trump is higher than both Nixon and Clinton during their impeachments. And, according to new polls, support for impeaching Trump is on the rise.
An ABC News-Ipsos survey reveals that 60% of Americans think that it’s a serious problem that Trump asked the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden. Only 36% of respondents say it’s not serious. A YouGov poll, meanwhile, shows that 55% of Americans think the impeachment probe is necessary, while 45% think it is unnecessary.
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