Author: staff
15 unusual uses for apples
Posted by staff / May 26, 2013Hate it when that bag of apples you bought with the best of intentions goes to waste? Maybe you need to think beyond a healthy snack to one of the fifteen other ways Care2’s Katie Waldeck found for using this favorite fruit, from stopping a migraine to making stamps. 1. Improve Lung Health. Apples contain several phytochemcials that …
Read MoreDrug blunts cocaine addiction in mice
Posted by staff / May 26, 2013Neuroscientists trying to explain cocaine’s effects on the brain have stumbled onto a chemical compound that blocks cravings for the drug in addicted mice. A drug once tested as a possible treatment for Parkinson’s disease appears to reduce cocaine cravings in addicted mice. Researchers are hopeful the drug will become the first approved medication to …
Read MoreFinally, a first aid kit for broken hearts
Posted by staff / May 25, 2013Sterile gauze and tweezers aren’t going to do the trick when it comes to healing a broken heart, but a tiny bottle of vodka to clean the wound might just do the trick. Melanie Chernock has the cure for what ails you in Love Hurts, the first aid kit for emotional wounds. Initially, I knew …
Read MoreSloth jewelry for slacker pride
Posted by staff / May 24, 2013Would you like to give the finger to a world that worships productivity (or at least the appearance thereof)? Make a statement without being rude with a sloth ring by Theresa Macdonald of Etsy’s CuriousBurrow. The cute, little polymer clay creatures cuddle up to a finger or two to reassure you that it’s okay to …
Read MoreKnow your cables [infographic]
Posted by staff / May 23, 2013Ever idly wonder what the difference was between a coaxial cable and an ethernet cable? Wonder no more thanks to this infographic by, and enjoy talking shop with the cable or phone guy next time he comes to call some time between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Via Feel a little smarter with …
Read MoreHow do you measure a tornado?
Posted by staff / May 21, 2013Oklahoma’s in a state of crisis after yesterday’s EF-4 tornado which, despite the devastation caused and surprisingly, isn’t even the strongest on the Fujita scale. And this EF-4 twister destroyed a town of 55,000 people, the worst tornado in American history, says the New Yorker Magazine. (Note: You may recall that tornadoes used to be …
Read MoreHow start-up funding works [chart]
Posted by staff / May 21, 2013We point out plenty of articles discussing the various aspects of starting up a business around here, but sometimes, nothing gives a clearer picture of the process than, well, a picture, particularly when it comes to the ever-important issue of funding. The picture is only part of the story provided by Funders and Founders, so …
Read MoreCyber crime statistics and trends [infographic]
Posted by staff / May 20, 2013Worried about cyber crime? As GI Joe always said, “Knowing is half the battle…” and is here to help with this infographic on cyber crime stats. Via Like infographics? So do we.
Read MoreA kind of serious guide to surviving wild animal attacks
Posted by staff / May 19, 2013Quick, how do you avoid being killed by a jellyfish? In the time it took you to answer, you could have become the victim of a shark attack, too, but not with this handy-dandy survival guide by Liam Gooley, who covers major threats on land, sea and the netherworld certain major world religions call Hell but …
Read More10 easy ways to write better blogs [infographic]
Posted by staff / May 19, 2013Is your blog lacking that sparkle that makes audiences come back for more? Feel overwhelmed by all the advice out there? Then try bookmarking this simple infographic by TopDogSocialMedia for future reference. Via TopDogSocialMedia. Tips for better blogging.
Read More6 anger styles. Which is yours?
Posted by staff / May 18, 2013Sixteen ways to manage your frustration, whether you have a quick temper or a biting sense of humor. Find your anger style: Which is you? 1. explosive 2. self-abuse 3. avoidance 4. sarcasm 5. passive aggressive 6. habitual irritation Great tips for each on what it looks like, what you do and how to turn …
Read MoreCloning stem cells: How to grow spare parts [infographic]
Posted by staff / May 17, 2013Cloning and stem cells have, separately, been two hot-button scientific issues that have fired up the public imagination, but the success of scientists cloning stem cells that could then be used to grow spare organs sounds like a great idea all around, right? Well, before the debate heats up, take a look at this infographic …
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